SACD Newsletter

April 2022

Rukban in Syria and Mariupol in Ukraine: same perpetrator, different response

At the time when aid is flowing swiftly to support Ukrainians forcibly displaced by Russia, the very same perpetrator supporting the Syrian regime and denying aid delivery to Rukban camp, people in Rukban camp are left to choose between starving to death and dying for lack of medical care or surrendering themselves to the Syrian regime, without any security guarantees, risking being arbitrarily detained, tortured to death, and forcibly disappeared.

While Russia is perpetrator in Ukraine’s Mariupol and Syria’s Rukban, yet the latter clearly testifies there’s one key difference: the world’s response, where Syrian people are not afforded same empathy and compassion. It is high time for this to change. 

Mohanad Alhosini: It's displaced Syrians' right to return home without fear of persecution or abuse

The Ankara Symposium organized by SACD in February was an essential starting point for a serious and open discussion aimed at building a common understanding of the situation experienced by Syrian refugees today in Turkey and everywhere. Dr. Mohannad AlHosini, member of SACD diplomatic outreach team, delivered an extremely important speech elaborating on the definition of a safe environment according to the displaced Syrians themselves.

People of Rukban Camp again face the dilemma: Starve in the desert or die in Assad detentions

The Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity (SACD) released a statement strongly condemning latest reports of displaced Syrians in besieged Rukban camp being forced to make the bitter choice of returning to Assad-held areas, due to harsh living conditions in the camp as a result of deprivation from humanitarian assistance.

SACD called on the UN and the Syrian Red Crescent to provide humanitarian aid to the people of Rukban, to monitor and report on the fate of those forced to return into the hands of the Syrian regime and Russia, and to respect people’s right to a voluntary, safe and dignified return instead of facilitating forced return into uncertain fate. 

From the heart of the capital Damascus: “We lost hope of returning to our homes, and we are trying to leave in search of a decent life.”

"Despite regime's propaganda that ‘war’ is over, it is very hard to make ends meet in areas under Assad control. We hope that justice will prevail in Syria that rights will return to their owners, and we return to our homes and live a dignified life."

A.H. is a former state employee who was forced with his family to leave his home in Al-Qaboun in 2012 towards the capital Damascus. He left behind his younger brother and neighbors, who remained in Al-Qaboun until they were forcibly displaced in May 2017. SACD interviewed A.H. to record his story of displacement and report on what is happening in Al-Qaboun neighborhood. 

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