Against a backdrop of the current paralysis of the political process, the Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity (SACD) underscores the critical need to break the current political deadlock by focusing on creating a safe environment as the fundamental prerequisite for the return of displaced Syrians. With over half of Syria’s population displaced since 2011, addressing demographic changes, infrastructural devastation, and social fragmentation is paramount for any hope of a sustainable solution to the Syrian crisis. The SACD’s “Roadmap for a Safe Environment in Syria” presents a strategic, phased approach to facilitate the safe, dignified, and voluntary return of displaced Syrians, thereby steering the stalemated political dialogue and international policy priorities towards a sustainable resolution.

This event aims to firstly present SACD’s Roadmap for a Safe Environment in Syria and the safe environment concept as a path towards revitalizing the political track in a meaningful way and breaking the current deadlock, while addressing the real needs and aspirations of Syrians. Secondly, it will explore strategies to influence the political process and engage key international actors such as Turkey, the U.S., and the EU to ensure international policies are realigned to prioritize the safe return of Syrians and address the challenges of political paralysis.

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