SACD in 2023
The results of the Geneva Conference, held by the Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity at the end of 2022, were a rare opportunity and a turning point in Syrians’ interaction and contributions to the UNHCR talks. This was an exceptional opportunity for the international community to understand the challenges of the Syrians and move towards providing a safe environment and achieving peace and stability in Syria.
In 2023, the Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity continued its tireless efforts, specifically after the February 2023 earthquake, as the Association focused its efforts on closely following developments in northwestern Syria, and worked to build a communication bridge aimed at providing humanitarian aid to the areas of northern Syria affected by the devastating earthquake. In cooperation with civil society organizations working in those areas, the Association also revealed the biased role and lack of adequate preparation to deal with the humanitarian disaster in northern Syria. In addition, the Association explained the attempts of the Syrian regime to benefit from the earthquake and direct aid in its favor, ignoring the real needs of those affected.
SACD continued its activities and efforts during the year to emphasize the danger of normalization with the Syrian regime and its negative impact on the return of displaced Syrians, expose the forced returns that some countries are calling for under various claims, and demonstrate the effect of partial solutions in increasing the suffering of displaced Syrians and increasing the displacement and migration, especially to Europe, and constantly stressing the importance of achieving a political solution, the cornerstone of which is creating a safe environment in Syria, so that the return of Syrians to their country is guaranteed safe, voluntary and dignified.
SACD in 2023: The Timeline
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- January 2023
In January 2023, the Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity continued its tireless efforts, after holding the Geneva Conference at the end of 2022, the results of which were a rare opportunity and a turning point in the interaction of Syrians and the provision of their contributions to the talks of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. This was an exceptional opportunity for the international community to understand the challenges of Syrians and move towards providing a safe environment and achieving peace and stability in Syria.
As part of its ongoing efforts, the Syrian Association for Citizen’s Dignity organized a dialogue symposium in cooperation with the University of Aleppo under the title ‘Roadmap for a Safe Environment in Syria’. Experts and academics participated in the symposium, discussing the necessary steps and ways to ensure a safe and dignified environment in Syria. During the symposium, the objectives of the Association were explained, and the “Safe Environment” paper prepared by it and the results of its presentation at the Geneva Conference were discussed.
The Association has published articles highlighting key challenges and claims. In an article entitled “Syrians must create the movement that will disturb the current paralysis of political process in Syria” I stressed that the steps proposed to achieve a safe environment are not just ambitions, but a realistic plan, and minimum conditions that must be created over time to ensure the possibility of a collective, organized, safe and dignified return.
She explained the repercussions of the current situation in Syria and that its repercussions reach neighboring countries and Europe, and its effects are likely to worsen further over time. The calls for private and partial return, which are currently being made by some agencies and organizations operating inside Syria, must be viewed as posing a threat to the lives and interests of displaced Syrians, and replaced with a real and transparent assessment of the current reality and work to find the minimum conditions for return to Syria.
In another article entitled “Without justice and reform there can be no safe environment in Syria” SACD focused on the need to investigate war crimes and crimes against humanity and bring those responsible to justice.
It highlighted one of the main concerns expressed by displaced Syrians in all opinion polls conducted regarding minimum conditions for return related to war crimes and crimes against humanity committed against Syrians with complete impunity, including the use of chemical weapons, which caused lasting effects.
In this context, the Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity affirms that it is not possible to talk about a safe return to Syria, and Syrians cannot be asked to return, nor can they be forced to return early before the Syrian regime and all war criminals are held accountable for their crimes against the Syrian people.
- February 2023
In February 2023, the Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity closely followed the developments in northwestern Syria, specifically after the earthquake that occurred on Monday, February 6. The affected areas witnessed massive destruction and major disasters, resulting in the death of 10,024 Syrians due to the earthquake, including 4,191 who died in areas outside the control of the Syrian regime in northwestern Syria, 394 Syrians in areas under its control, and 5,439 Syrian refugees in Turkey.
The earthquake caused the displacement of at least 160,000 Syrians affected by the earthquakes, most of whom were previously displaced and suffering from deteriorating living conditions. Nearly 80% of the population was forced to leave their homes and live outside for fear of aftershocks, which increased the duration of suffering and the accompanying poor living and psychological conditions.
The Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity focused its efforts on building a communication bridge aimed at providing humanitarian assistance to the areas of northern Syria affected by the devastating earthquake, in cooperation with civil society organizations working in those areas.
In light of the delayed emergency response by the United Nations, the absence of appropriate response plans, and its tendency to float and lean in favor of the Syrian regime at the expense of those affected and their human rights, the Association revealed the biased role and lack of sufficient preparation to deal with the humanitarian disaster in northern Syria. In addition, the Association explained the attempts of the Syrian regime to benefit from the earthquake and direct aid in its favor, ignoring the real needs of those affected.
The Association did not hesitate to accuse the Syrian regime, emphasizing the rampant corruption in the distribution of aid, tampering with rescue tools, and inflammatory rhetoric against those affected by the earthquake, which highlights the lack of transparency and humanity in the regime’s dealings with humanitarian crises.
In a categorical condemnation of the regime’s continued bombing of areas affected by the earthquake, ignoring the humanitarian catastrophe ravaging the region, the Association stressed that this aggressive behavior increases the suffering of civilians and hampers efforts to provide humanitarian aid and rescue.
The Association renewed its call for non-normalization with the Syrian regime, which shows the continuation of its repressive and criminal policy against the Syrian people. The Association explained the danger of normalization, emphasizing that this may prolong the duration of the conflict in Syria and increase the suffering of Syrians, whether they are internally displaced or refugees in countries of asylum.
- March 2023
On 17 March 2023, the Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity (SACD) and the European Institute for Peace (EIP) held a conference bringing together a large group of Syrian civil society organizations to assess the humanitarian and political situation of Syrians affected by the earthquake in southern Turkey and northwestern Syria. They drafted a letter outlining their demands before International Donors Conference on 20 March 2023.
Those directly affected and those working on emergency issues feel that there is an urgent need to convey the short-term and long-term humanitarian needs of the Syrian people in northwest Syria to the international community, donors, and the United Nations with its agencies. This includes their views on the correct political and legal framework for the sustainability of this assistance and post-earthquake rehabilitation. They also feel that their voices must be included in discussions related to finding a political solution in Syria, especially the “step-by-step” approach.
After the disaster, the humanitarian and political effects of the earthquake continue to reverberate in the region. Syrian refugees in Türkiye and the general population in northwest Syria are considered the most affected. The speed and nature of the UN response to the earthquake in northwest Syria caused concern among those affected, as did the marked acceleration in Arab countries’ normalization of relations with the Syrian regime in the wake of the earthquake.
- April 2023
In April 2023, the Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity shared an important report published by the French newspaper Le Monde entitled “The Syrian Regime Must Be Held Accountable” which shed light on the referral of three Syrian regime officials to the French Criminal Court. It is related to their involvement in the suppression of the civil uprising that arose during the “Arab Spring” in 2011, and specifically in the death of two French-Syrian citizens, a father and his son, in Syrian prisons, without knowing the reasons behind their arrest or death.
This trial is the first of its kind in France, and concerns key men in the Syrian repressive regime, who are accused of crimes against humanity and war crimes. The accused persons are Ali Mamlouk, the main official in the intelligence services and a close advisor to Bashar Al-Assad, Jamil Hassan, the former director of the Air Force Intelligence Services, and Abdel Salam Mahmoud, one of his subordinates.
Although this trial will be conducted in absentia, it represents a strong message to the Syrian regime that impunity is no longer acceptable. This comes at a time when the regime continues its repressive policy in the areas under its control, and uses the media to color its image and implicate public opinion.
The international community should not be carried away by the propaganda of the Syrian regime, nor surrender to its portrayal. There must be a constant understanding that any peace and stability in Syria requires holding the regime accountable and achieving justice. The Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity stresses the importance of not normalizing relations with the regime, and urges the international community not to believe that normalization will contribute to achieving a comprehensive political solution.
- May 2023
In May 2023, the Syrian Association for Citizen’s Dignity shared a message from Dr. Mazen Ksibi, a member of the Association’s General Board of Trustees, about the safe environment and its necessity. In this message, he answers the question: Why has the return of refugees and a safe environment become one of the most important topics on the scene, and what is the interest of Syrians in this proposal?
In the message, Dr. Mazen talked about the long journey of work, studies, and questionnaires to determine the important details of the causes of displacement and asylum, and he said: “There is a main reason, which is killing, displacement, and destruction, but there are other reasons. He added that ”The road map paper for a safe environment in Syria “represents the correct path to restoring the Syrian state and ridding it of tyranny. It is a tool that we are pushing to adopt as a cornerstone for any transitional governing body that will take over the reins in Syria at some stage.”
The Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity commented on the statements of the Assistant Foreign Minister of the Syrian regime about linking and conditioning the return of refugees and displaced persons to carrying out reconstruction and lifting sanctions, and that these comments are nothing but an open attempt to secure new sources of funding for the regime that would ensure its economic floatation and bring it out of a state of complete economic collapse, and these are statements that are close to farcical and are based on crude fallacies that are not strange to the regime.
SACD reviewed the issue of the continued crossing of Syrian refugees on death boats from Turkey to Greece and stressed that there is no solution to this crisis other than reaching a political solution that guarantees a safe environment for the voluntary and dignified return of displaced Syrians and refugees.
The Association pointed out that the harsh reality that Syrians are living in areas under Assad’s control forced them to choose death boats to escape the machine of killing, persecution, arrest, and the authority of Iranian militias, and to protect their children and give them a chance to live away from the Captagon gangs, relying on their right to protection under international law and what the European Union pledged to protect refugees fleeing the war.
The article “Safe Environment First: Normalization with the Syrian Regime Will Not Convince Displaced Syrians to Return!”, published by the Association in May, addressed the bitter truth that Syrians live in Syria, and pointed to the continued violations and repression as the main reason for their reluctance to return. The Association stresses that a decrease in the number of deaths does not mean a security improvement, and the article highlights the continuation of hostilities and human rights violations. It also stresses the rejection of normalization with the Syrian regime and the need to hold it accountable for its crimes before the International Court, while emphasizing that justice and a comprehensive political solution form the basis for a safe and voluntary return of Syrians and a sustainable future for Syria.
- June 2023
On June 8, 2023, the Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity (SACD) and the European Institute for Peace (EIP) held a conference entitled: “Syrian Civil Society Advocacy on Post-Earthquake Humanitarian and Political Reality in NW Syria” The conference brought together leading civil society and advocacy groups active in northwestern Syria and Turkey, in addition to displaced Syrian voices and personalities, along with a distinguished group of international diplomats and researchers specializing in Syria.
The outcomes of this conference formed a source of information for the Seventh Brussels Conference and will provide policy makers with clear guidance about what the Syrian people expect from the international community in light of the dire circumstances that were exacerbated by the earthquake.
The Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity (SACD) expressed solidarity with the families of the migrant victims who were on board the boat heading to Italy, which was involved in an accident in which at least 79 people drowned. In its statement, “Fleeing Death Drowning in the Sea,” it emphasized the following points:
- The Syrians still insist on refusing to return to Syria under the authority of the current Assad regime, and instead find themselves forced to make decisions that threaten their lives, and their pure bodies become food for the fish of the seas. We must highlight this shocking incident and work to protect the rights and safety of Syrians.
- We noticed that the vast majority of the victims had left the reconciliation area in Daraa, and this indicates the failure of Russia and the regime to achieve any safety or stability for citizens. Those responsible for this failure must be held accountable and a safe environment and decent living for Syrians wherever they are must be ensured.
- We demand that Greek officials be held accountable for this heinous crime and brought to justice. This disaster must be seriously investigated and everyone who caused it must be held accountable.
- We demand that the bodies of all the victims be recovered and that their families be granted the right to a dignified burial for their children. They should have the opportunity to say their final goodbyes.
- We have to realize that these tragedies and disasters will not stop unless a comprehensive political solution is achieved that includes providing a safe environment that guarantees a decent life for Syrians and the voluntary, safe, and dignified return of all displaced people. The international community must work seriously and combine its efforts to reach this desired solution.
- The existence of this criminal regime and its continuous violations must not be overlooked, as it is one of the most important reasons that lead to the recurrence of these horrific humanitarian disasters. We must work together to end the existence of this regime and restore justice and safety to the Syrian people.
The Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity also participated in the program on the status of Syrian refugees and voluntary return, which was held by the Turkish “Solaris” organization in cooperation with the presidency of the Şanlıurfa Bar Association on June 23, 2023, in the Turkish city of Şanlıurfa.
In his speech, Dr. Marwan Nazhan, a member of the SACD’s Board of Trustees, condemned the continued violence and repression in Syria, and stressed the importance of providing a safe environment before considering the return of displaced Syrians. He expressed his dissatisfaction with the loss of confidence suffered by Syrians regarding political solutions to the Syrian issue, and called for taking measures to build confidence and provide practical and realistic solutions. He stressed the need to provide a safe environment for Syrians before any comprehensive political solution, noting that return under the current situation will have negative repercussions.
- July 2023
In July 2023, the Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity published an article entitled: “Property Confiscation and Absence of Justice: Challenges of Return and Property Retrieval for the Forcibly Displaced”. The Association discussed the issue of property confiscation and the absence of justice in Syria, where civilians suffer from forced displacement and the regime’s seizure of their properties.
The article highlights the policy of forced displacement, which aims to carry out operations to remove opponents and civilians and exploit land and property for the benefit of the regime and its allies, which leads to changing the composition of society, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis, and increasing the burdens of refugees.
The Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity denounced the international community’s neglect of the possibility of bringing aid across borders legally without the need for Security Council approval, and considered this an obvious disregard for human rights and international law, at a time when the voices of international bodies and humanitarian organizations are increasing about the dire need for humanitarian aid in northern Syria.
The Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity observed the ignorance of the issue of border crossings and ensuring the passage of aid to the Syrians, especially after the earthquake disaster occurred, as a result of Russian obstruction (veto). SACD called for working to overcome this dilemma and working to find solutions that meet the needs of the Syrian people.
In this context, the Association shared a detailed article about its efforts in this regard entitled “Save the Syrians, not Assad: Syrian organizations express their demands after the earthquake in northwest Syria and before the international donor conference” within this framework, to confront these restrictions and obstacles in light of the difficult circumstances.
- August 2023
In August 2023, the Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity thanked the Turkish state for receiving displaced Syrians who refuged there to escape arrest, torture, and random bombing. The Association stressed the need to respect international law and the illegality of returning Syrian refugees as a result of the ongoing security campaign in Turkey, pointing to the principle of non-forced returning, which must be respected by all countries. SACD also called on the Turkish government to maintain the protection of Syrian refugees and called on the international community to increase support for displaced Syrians and secure their rights wherever they are.
The Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity also conducted an interview with lawyer Abdel Nasser Houshan, about the fires that occurred in Damascus and their relationship to demographic change. In this interview, Mr. Houshan answered important questions about demographic change in Syria. He also revealed the roots and forms of this change, the laws that contributed to its deepening, where the areas that witnessed and are witnessing this change are, and whether the recent fires that occurred in Damascus played a role in this change.
The areas under the control of the Syrian regime, Lebanon, and Turkey witnessed a striking increase in the number of people fleeing, whether by sea or land towards Europe. This situation calls for an analysis of the reasons that push Syrians to risk their lives, despite the warnings and the tragic accidents they were exposed to on the road to reach safety.
The Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity welcomed Denmark’s retreatment of a decision to withdraw residence permits from Syrian refugees in a press statement in which it expressed its appreciation for this important and influential step. This development represents a positive step towards embodying human rights values and adhering to international laws and norms.
The Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity confirmed the increase in the pace of protests in the areas under the control of the Syrian regime, starting from Al-Suwayda and Daraa governorates and extending to many other governorates, with a variation in the size and spread of these voices and the demands they call for, according to the extent of the Syrian regime’s security grip in these areas.
- September 2023
The Syrian Association for Citizen’s Dignity condemned the escalation that Idlib Governorate witnessed in September 2023, as Syrian regime forces and their ally Russia launched intensive raids on several cities and towns in Idlib. These raids resulted in the killing and wounding of dozens of civilians, and the destruction of many houses and facilities. The bombing also forced tens of thousands of civilians to flee to other areas.
Amidst talk about the Syrian regime’s attempts to achieve positive changes by providing messages of safety for the return of displaced persons and refugees to their homes, this has not changed the reality of fear and anxiety that dominate the hearts of millions of Syrians. With the Syrian regime’s repeated statements regarding the return of displaced persons and refugees to their towns and villages and the provision of false promises of safety and protection to civilians who have suffered from years of displacement, poverty and suffering, the Syrian regime and its allies continue to bomb the towns and villages of the Idlib countryside in brutal and horrific ways.
On the other hand, Deir ez-Zor Governorate in Syria has witnessed a significant escalation in military actions during the recent period, and this situation reflects the escalation of tension and violence in the region and constitutes a direct threat to the lives of civilians and a serious reason for the return of the tragedy of displacement once again. The pace of military actions increased significantly in Deir ez-Zor, with violent clashes erupting between Arab tribal fighters and fighters of what is known as the “Syrian Democratic Forces” (SDF). What makes matters more complicated is the extension of tension and clashes to the governorates of Al-Hasakah – Raqqa and the Manbij region, which contributes to the escalation of tension in the region in general.
On Thursday, September 21, 2023, the Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity participated in the event organized by the Syrian Network for Human Rights in partnership with the United States of America and sponsored by Germany, the United Kingdom, and France, entitled: “12 Years of Suffering – Researching Human Rights Violations and Opportunities for Accountability in Syria.” The Association shared the report of the Syrian Network for Human Rights on the event, which it organized on the sidelines of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly.
The Syrian Association for Citizen’s Dignity received with great sadness the news of the loss of some Syrian families as a result of the earthquake in Morocco and the floods in Libya. These are families who were displaced from their homeland and their houses for fear of their lives due to the brutal war that the Syrian regime launched against them, using all types of weapons, including internationally prohibited weapons, in addition to arrests, security prosecutions, and field executions. The Association extended its sincere condolences and sympathy to our people in the Kingdom of Morocco and the State of Libya, in light of the natural disasters that struck these two countries, causing huge losses and unforgettable tragedies, and forcing them to leave their homes and migrate to a safer and more peaceful place for their souls.
- October 2023
In October 2023, Mr. Homad Homad, a member of the Trustees of the Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity, participated in a Live Cross on Aleppo Today TV, on the report issued by Human Rights Watch, which indicates that Syria is still unsafe for the return of refugees. Pointing out the seriousness of the statements issued by some ministers and diplomats about the suitability of areas in Syria for the return of displaced Syrians.
The Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity, in its commentary on the current events in Gaza, pointed out that political solutions based on forced displacement of civilians or military actions that lead to the displacement of entire communities are unsustainable and have catastrophic humanitarian effects, in addition to not achieving local or regional stability. It always has negative repercussions on the rest of the countries of the world depending on the scale of displacement and the number of displaced people, in addition to the moral and ethical failure that accompanies it.
The “For Them Humanity” Organization held a symposium entitled: “A Roadmap for a Safe Environment in Syria,” under the supervision of Mr. Homad Homad, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity, as part of a series of sessions, seminars, and legal dialogues. This initiative comes to raise the level of legal awareness for various segments of society and introduce attendees to the road map for a safe environment launched by the Syrian Association for Citizen Dignity in Geneva last year. The symposium witnessed a distinguished presence of lawyers, in addition to civil society activists.
On the tenth anniversary of the signing of the Chemical Weapons Convention, the Syrian regime protests the European and British statement that accuses it of still possessing chemical weapons, and that it has not fulfilled its promises, and those responsible for the chemical attacks launched by the Syrian regime must be held accountable.
Mr. Homad Homad, a member of the Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity, participated in a Live Cross on Aleppo Today TV, in which he spoke about the steps that must be followed by the international community after the European and British statement that “accuses the Syrian regime of still possessing chemical weapons, and that it has not fulfilled its promises, and those responsible of chemical attacks launched by the Syrian regime must be held accountable.” Homad also discussed the extent to which such statements contribute to strengthening the file of holding Assad’s authority accountable for its violations in Syria.
- November 2023
In November 2023, the lawyer Homad Homad, a member of the Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity, gave an exclusive interview on “Aleppo Today” TV, in which he discussed the risks of young Syrians returning to Syria even after paying compulsory military service substitute. He stressed that with the payment of financial substitute, young men remain at risk of arrest and financial exploitation because the matter is not just about paying the substitute, as those young guys who are wanted for military service face other risks that threaten their lives and stability.
The Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity spoke in its analysis titled “Returning to Syria between the mirage of political statements and the reality of immigration to Europe” about the conditions of Syrians between harsh reality and unknown hope, as Syrians stand on the brink of death boats on a dangerous journey towards Europe. They are fleeing the risk of death in Syria and the struggle to survive in societies where economic difficulties are increasing and racist hate speech against them is growing.
In the video “Escalation of Hostilities in Syria: A Horrific Account of Events!”, the Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity reviewed the confessions of a Russian official about launching 230 airstrikes on cities and towns in northwestern Syria during the recent escalation campaign that the region was subjected to, while a UN report documents the tragedy of children, women, and civilians, with mass displacement and destruction of vital facilities.
The Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity shared the article “The Syrian regime, between stealing aid and turning them into weapons” which addresses the tragic reality that the Syrian people are living in and threatens to destroy daily life, as thousands of Syrian families struggle to secure their basic needs in light of this harsh reality. Life-saving aid that is directed at the Syrian people goes through a long journey of manipulation and theft by the Assad regime with no UN oversight. They collide with continuous violations by the Syrian regime and violations of the United Nations, and are transformed into tools for killing, oppressing and starving Syrians at the hands of the Assad regime and its militias.
SACD also made an interview with Ms. Hoda Al-Atassi, Regional Director of the International Relief Organization and a member of the Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity, to discuss the latest developments related to Syrian refugees in Lebanon and their possible options in light of the escalating risks of a real war in Lebanon.
- December 2023
In December 2023, the Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity shared its annual bulletin on consumer prices and inflation in Syria. The Association pointed out that the deterioration of living conditions in Syria as a result of increasing inflation rates, the decline in people’s purchasing ability, and other factors are sufficient reasons for the lack of necessities for life there. These are factors that must be studied clearly when talking about a safe environment for Syrians and when talking about encouraging displaced people to return.
The Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity issued a statement, entitled: “Urgent call to prevent the recurrence of chemical weapons crimes, to achieve justice, and to hold criminals accountable” in which it expressed its deep concern about the continued presence of the chemical weapons arsenal in the hands of the Syrian regime, as accurate information and international reports indicate that there are serious concerns about the possibility of Repeated use of chemical weapons in Syria.
The Association also shared an article entitled: “Refugees: a Russian weapon to empty Syria and flood Europe!” It talked about the beginning of the escalation of fears on the European continent, due to the escalation of the migration crisis, which has become more severe due to Russian efforts that seem to aim to destabilize it by facilitating the flow of refugees. At the forefront of these events is the closure of Finland’s border crossings with Russia and the arrest of many arrivals, which raises many questions about Moscow’s real plan.
The Association published a statement, entitled: “Does the arrest warrant for Bashar Al-Assad achieve justice for the victims of chemical attacks?” this is after the French judiciary issued an international arrest warrant against the head of the Syrian regime, Bashar Al-Assad, his brother Maher, the commander of the Fourth Division in the Syrian army, and two other brigadier generals, Ghassan Abbas, director of the security branch 450 from the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center, and Bassam Al-Hassan, advisor to the President for Strategic Affairs, and liaison officer between the Presidential Palace and the Scientific Research Center, on charges of contribution in crimes of using banned chemical weapons.
A new video prepared by SACD on drug production and smuggling in Syria, reviewed the impact of escalating clashes taking place on the northern border of Jordan between Jordanian forces and drug smugglers, as the recent clashes witnessed the participation of Jordanian aviation to prevent smuggling operations and ensure border security.
SACD published an exclusive interview with Dr. Hossam Al-Hafez, President of the Syrian Council for International Relations, who spoke about the legal and judicial reforms that are considered part of the conditions for achieving a safe environment in Syria for the return of displaced Syrians.
In another interview, Dr. Yasser Al-Eiti, a member of the Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity, spoke about the importance of the Syrian refugees returning to their original places of residence before displacement, their right to preserve the unity and cohesion of their families, and for their decision to return should be linked to the return of the entire family to their original areas of residence.